Friday, January 29, 2010

Adnan the eager child.

Adnan's father , Mansoor came up to  me to ask if i could teach  him Kannada.  My first reply was thoughts are running like 'may be the child has no interest in the subject  and these parents are impossible, they ll do anything, not enough that child has to do it in school now they wont stop there , they want additional tutions for this subject pah! poor child... but wait a minute.. i asked myself...if i knew better then i could help the child get the barriers i called and said yes i would help Adnan

Next day he came home...we started with a small chat, he showed me his book and i saw on every Kannada word he had written the sound of the word in English.   I asked him whats with kannada and him assuming he hated the subject...he looked at me and said "this language is tough".  " If you dont like something then it would seem tough" i said.  He immediately said  "no i like this subject only that i dont know how to read."  there were moments of silence........ my whole outlook assumptions about the whole issue just melted away...i saw that child had eager eyes, i began to see the concern Mansoor had.  If i was in his place i would  have done the same with my child.

There was no time to lose, the child was ready and i was even more ready.. the bridge between the alphabets and their sounds had to be built..i began charting out the map on the paper...i asked him if he recognizes the letters , he said only a few.   I said OK that is a good start, gave him my 7yr old daughters beginners book and said " write any two things that you like".  He asked " in Kannada?"  I said "yes, the script will be Kannada but choose your words...he said " gum" and he looked at me with a weird expression...i shifted my eyes to the paper .. he hesitantly put the pencil to the paper and wrote 'gum' in Kannada script., then another word , then one more , then the pace increased .... we began putting down peoples names..objects, and anything we could think of... we were running back and forth into that Kannada book to find which sound looks like that alphabet..until we wrote over 20 -25 words... we looked at each other and laughed at our work.

I said "the class today is over do you want to come in tomorrow??" He said " yes.. do i have homework?"   I said "choose what you want to do"... he said  "can i write a line from my Harry potter book in Kannada script and bring it over???"   i smiled....

DAY 2  - He came back saying he had not done any homework ...but what i saw on his face was .'.i m gonna have some more fun look'...he had not brought his Kannada book either.  When i asked him where his book was he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.. and said " its in the car"  We stared at the new note book he had brought along .  To break the silence i said write 4 lines on something you like in English...he wrote about his favorite teacher, we rewrote the same in Kannada script.  I said " if you went to a restaurant to eat pizzas and nobody knew any other language other than Kannada, how would you manage?"   He began expressing in the few words of Kannada he knew...i asked him to start penning them down too.. so he began writing small sentences ..he kept looking at me for support for all those words that needed to make a sentence..and what i was smiling about was that he forgot the struggle he had finding the alphabets that made those sounds on the first day!!!!!!!!!!!...the alphabets became words with ease, it already was a secondary concern it seemed.... children are miracles and always keep me awe to what they "can" do when left to
themselves...I m loving this.....

DAY - 3
Just could not take up to do a write up of the day 3..he had not turned up for this 3rd day class....a headache, his day at school was exhausting, there was too much homework to do that evening were his excuses.  When he was here the next day, I thought sharing would be a good idea.  So i asked him if he would want to say anything he was feeling at that moment.  He got accountable for not coming and not doing what he said he would do as part of our class work.  I rephrased my question to ask about his feelings not his accountability.  There was a long pause and he told me some of his experiences at school, and shared some of his friends and what he plays with them, the moments that made him happy, the games he loved and i listened.  What did not leave my mind was that the children are whacked on their palms with a wooden scale by their teachers if they do not obey in the classroom. And this i heard is a known school not any small school. What kind of education are we putting our children through?  I still struggle to make choices in my life.  We are routed through rote learning , i feel the ones who broke free from them are the ones who contributed to themselves and others....

We are taught maths with no application of value of money, how it grows, and it takes us half a life time to figure where we could invest ourselves and our money.  How many of us knew -,  borrowing money, repaying money, investing it first - then you spend from your investments, saving money... to get to the bottom line is money management taken seriously at school..???

What about the other subjects.. it was taught to us but did we learn it like we remember it , apply it??..if the learning had happened as aid to life then probably so many years of my life would have been different.  It mostly happened like we are preparing for life and guess what ?... i m preparing all the is not life itself choices are so difficult to make, it has to be approved by someone else other than me, then it is usually considered good...the teachers always gave us grades to tell us how good we were and that still remains imbibed in me .  I m seldom the master of my choice.  It has taken me so long to understand this and now it is going to take time to unlearn and to practice the new ways to have the results i want in my life...

Friday, January 22, 2010


 MY PUP BROWNY - ADYA                                        

All these pic were thought and done by the kids alone..with little support and suggestions.  We chatted up big time  about colors and how the pic should look . Finally when the pic was done we sat down to view about what does the pic talk back to you  ...It was fun !!!! Day one ended....

DAY 3 - Adya has stories that are peaceful and quite.  She loves animals and loves to take care of them, these are the things that are emerging out in the story too... so far she is loving what she is doing.  It is most beautiful thing to see a child own her idea , mold it and express it just like she wants to cos you can see the joy in she is creating each page..!!!

DAY 4 & 5 -  Today there was more chatting than those quiet pic making days.. it was an animated conversation i would have recorded on a cam if i had it.. it was about what would be their cover pic. so you will see me correcting the pic and add fillings to the pic on the computer...fulfilling days in all...

DAY 6 - Today was the last page day.. the conclusion of the story,  the children if let on their own would have done another 5 pages... Monday is the cover pic day!!!...all of them excited to put their name on the cover and say they own it...

Actually satyea suggested a door in Adyas pic ..she asked "dont you want to go out of the room??? " so you can see that 3rd pic has a door too...


FOX AND I - Sanjeev

Sanjeev is a bright kid and he is very vocal about his thoughts.. his enthusiasm and energy is endless.  His thought process is clear and he actually puts a pattern to his story.   When we discussed what would be the story line, he asked for a paper and pencil,  he drew 5 circles and wrote down 5 emotions in each of them and showed it to me and said i want to include all this in my story.  I looked at him and wondered if this guy was in the making of a script writer ???.. his stories also change and he wants to come up with a better story or different story each time he sits down to portray that pic on Sanjeev has taken a break for two days because today is his mothers birthday and another because we might just come up with another story all together... after all this project was all about the flow in the kids and what they wanted to come up with... !!!!!

DAY 4 &5 - Sanjeev finished two pics on the same day... or else he might be left behind to finish the cover pic is what i think made him complete them.  He quickly used his color pencils and choose not to use water colors this time.  What i liked about his choice was that he saw to himself that his pics were looking very dark and came up on his own that water colors make pic dark and color pencils make the pic light.  I let him choose it.  Only after he had finished i showed him some of my pics that i had painted were nice and light , he wondered in his little mind...made no comment .. his mind wandered to the girls deciding the cover pic of their book.... but i know that little mind made that the work i m doing!!!!    

DAY 6 - Sanjeev had his final pic in place today .. for him his story was longer than this and had many more characters.  But the theme was to have totally 2 or 3 characters in all.  So had to slow Sanjeev down as much as i did not want to.  Which is obvious reason why he had to change the name of his story from 'whats going on' to 'Fox and I'... i love how these little minds are bursting with new IDEAS!!

DAY 7 -  i can see Sanjeev has moved from one level to another in every single page he created!!!  you can see it in his cover page.



Satyea is my adventure girl.. we could call her Columbus for a long time when she was a toddler.  She would explore the house even as she started to crawl...the similar traits show up in the story too .. she is out and is finding her kitten and it almost seems like an adventure..the rain, an umbrella, one torch and footprints et la.

DAY 4&5 - This time satyea ..was chatting up the most .. and excited about the conversation of who is going to draw what on the their cover page....... .i have touched up her pic on the computer...might replace it if she decides to finish her pic today..!!!!

DAY 6 - Satyea was rearing to finish her book.  She just loves her pic and you can see her hand that moves like an artist.   She is also suggesting and supporting other two , she believes she knows her work , her page, her medium that she is working on .  She enjoys it so completely that it leaves me with a warm feeling that fills my heart with joy.   Now for the cover pic on Monday!!!

Books ready for distribution!!!!!!!!!!! 

The three enthusiasts !!!!!!!

I started this blog because I had so much to say and thought I would write this everyday, every time I opened it I used to go blank or would not know where to begin saying what I so badly wanted to I know , all I want to say is "Observe your child and you will see that you could  not have done a better contribution to his/her life , because when you observe you will see that your child 'can' do without your interference and is so beautifully discovering itself and in turn you are discovering your child and yourself...

Something like this is happening just now with these three kids (from left Satyea, Sanjeev, Adya) who have taken up to write a story , illustrate it, and print it to give it to their school library..could not get a still pic sorry.. they just dint have the time for a pic.
 1.The lost kitten 2.My pup Browny 3.Whats going on?.....are the three books...
The first page of the book is done and will put it up as and when the enthusiast work on em...:)